Wedding Chapel Card

Wedding Chapel Card

Dear friends of mine were planning to get married in 2020 when Covid threw a spanner in their plans. They did get married on that day, but only with the minister and 2 witnesses which was all that was allow at that time. Seven attempts later and they were finally able to have the ceremony and reception they planned with all their family and friends. This was the card I gave to them at that ceremony. It is based on a photo taken of them on the day they got married during lockdown.

Pieces of coloured paper cut to shape

I traced the photo to make shapes that I could cut out of paper. I cut each layer out of different coloured paper. I also cut out a white base layer to stick the other pieces to.

Paper art of a couple on their wedding day

I split some of the colours into multiple parts, such as the sleeves, to show some depth. This also helped to overlap the arms so it looks like they are really holding each other.

Adding foam double sided tape to the back of the chapel wall

The shape of the card is based on the wall behind the stage of the chapel where the wedding was held. I used foam double sided tape to bring the wall off the card a bit, making it feel a bit 3D.


Testing different textured paper for the background layer of the card

The chapel had beautiful big windows looking out to lush forest. I wanted to capture the greenery in the card, but none of the paper I had with green patterns really seemed to fit.

The chapel part of the wedding card assembled

So I ended up going with a textured paper that looks a bit like a colourful sunset. It pulls some of the colours from what they're wearing and it makes the chapel windows pop more, giving the card a more dynamic background.

Paper craft card of a couple at their wedding

I used some more foam tape to bring them further forward too, which makes for a lovely scene. And there you have it! A one-of-a-kind card for a one-of-a-kind couple!

A 3D wedding card of a couple embracing in a chapel


13 June 2021


Cards, Cricut